When carers were eventually brought in, the scenario was not as Miss Wilde had hoped: I expected that carers came into the home to help look after the disabled person and respect the rest of the family. 最终当护理人员来家里帮忙的时候,一切与怀尔德所希望的并不相同:我希望护理人员来家里能帮助照看病人且尊重家里的其他成员。但很少有人是这样子的。
No one in the bar appears surprised to see a disabled person dancing. 看到希福跳舞,酒吧里的人似乎一点都不吃惊。
Tai Lihua, Chinese disabled person art group's dancer, Chinese Special Art Association vice-president. 邰丽华,中国残疾人艺术团的舞蹈演员,中国特殊艺术协会副主席。
But they never laugh at a disabled person or a madman. Sympathy is felt to be stronger than laughter. 但他们从不嘲笑残疾人或疯子,同情被认为比嘲笑更有力量。
A person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person ( in law). (在法律上)未成年人或其他无行为能力者的诉讼代理人。
Her friends seem "proud and honourable" because they are with a disabled person and their way of introducing her shows they are willing to be generous and help her ( be "benevolent"). 我喜欢他们说“这位是桑迪&她是聋子”的时候脸上那副骄傲和荣耀的表情,就好像我证明了他们的仁德善心一样。
Please give up your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it. 如果上了年纪的人或残疾人要求你让座,请把座位让给他们。
Since I have followed our teacher to practice, it has been nineteen years that I don't think I am a disabled person. 自从我与老师一起修炼后,十九年来,我不再觉得自己是一位身体有残疾的人。
Participate in the public activity and offer intermediary service or offer the chance of working voluntarily for old man, disabled person with labour capacity. 为有劳动能力的老人、残疾人自愿参加公益活动提供中介服务或给予劳动机会。
If anyone would like to reach any wheelchair bodybuilder or if you know a disabled person let them know of this site, or tell them to contact me about any comments. 如果任何人想到达任何轮椅爱好健美者或如果你知道一个残废的人让他们了解这个地点,或告诉他们关于任何评价联系我。
If you have no experience, are you willing to take care of elderly, bedridden or disabled person? 如你没有经验,你是否愿意照顾长者、残障人士及?床病人?
Please vacate this seat for a disabled person if required. 残疾人专座,请随时让座。
Investigation and Analysis of the Current Situation of the Disabled Person s Body-building Plan; and disease that affects the young and healthy seems particularly outrageous. 残疾人实施全民健身计划的调查研究尤其是那些侵袭年轻人和健康人身体的疾病似乎更加残酷。
The legal provider of a disabled person must fulfill his duty of supporting him. 残疾人的法定抚养人必须对残疾人履行扶养义务。
Brief Analysis of the Construction and Development of the Community Public Service for Disabled Person 浅析社区残疾人公共服务体系的建构与发展
The Study on the Urban-rural Integration of Service System for the Disabled Person 残疾人事业城乡一体化服务体系研究
The Study on Well-off Society System and Realizing Countermeasure of Disabled Person in Zibo 淄博市残疾人小康目标体系及实现对策研究
A wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking. 安在腋窝底下支在地上的木制的或金属制的杖;残疾人行走时使用。
Should a severely disabled person be helped to take their own life because they strongly object to living as a disabled person? 人们应该帮助严重残疾者结束自己的生命吗?即使他们会强烈抵触作为一个伤残人的生活?
The barrier-free housing contains each concern principle in design not only to the disabled person but also the senior citizen, has manifested truly "humanist" thought. 无障碍居住空间包含了关怀设计的各项原则,不仅对残疾人是有利的,而且对正凡人也是有利的,真正体现了“以人为本”的设计思想。
The barrier-free housing feeds specially the convenient housing which the disabled person uses. 无障碍居住空间是方便残疾人使用的居住空间。
It is the culture life of abundant old person, disabled person, childrens, of value to physically and mentally healthy entertainment, sports activities once every day. 为丰富老年人、残疾人、儿童的文化生活,每天开展一次有益于身心健康的文娱、体育活动。
This seems to undermine a disabled person's independence-their right to make choices for themselves. 社会似乎并没有赋予残疾人真正意义上的独立。
Beijing Paralympics Game already succeeded ends, but it actually has the important influence to our country disabled person sport's development. 北京残奥会已经成功落幕,而其对我国残疾人体育的发展却有着重要的影响。
The architectural design, should offer creation normal life for the disabled person, Eliminates all kind of barrier-free in the artificial environment. 居住建筑应为残疾人正常生活提供便利条件,清除人为环境中不利于残疾人的各种障碍。
The photos were shot by art students in Lausanne, Switzerland, and I was surprised to see that no one showed a disabled person or body. 那些作品是由瑞士洛桑的一些艺术学生拍摄的。我很惊奇地发现,他们中没有一个人在作品中展现了身心障碍人士或者他们的身体。
I'm not living the life of a disabled person. 我没有活在一个伤残人的世界里。
The disabled person, participant, or beneficiary must be at the centre of their efforts; 以残疾人、项目受益人和项目参与者为核心;
This article comprehensively has analyzed disabled person sitting volleyball movement, including the trend of development, the attack technique and tactics characteristic in our country. 全面分析了我国残疾人坐式排球运动的发展趋势及进攻技战术特征,旨在为进一步丰富我国坐式排球的技战术打法提供理论与实践的依据。
Superstition and a lack of knowledge make people point out disabled persons as symbols of what scares them the most. A disabled person makes the abstract idea of vulnerability become present. 迷信以及缺乏知识让人们将身心障碍人士当做最为恐怖的存在,身心障碍人士将“脆弱”这一抽象概念具体地呈现了出来。